Extremity AdjusTment

What Are Extremity Adjustments?

Chiropractors are primarily known for working on the spine and neck. The adjustments they administer help align those parts of the body and they also relieve accumulated tension.

Of course, chiropractors can do more than treat your neck and back. Their expertise also comes in handy if you’re experiencing issues that affect your extremities.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that chiropractors are adept at manipulating arms and legs. Chiropractors spend plenty of time learning about the body’s joints. Since many of the issues that cause pain along the arms and legs radiate from the joints, chiropractors are well-equipped to address them.

Joint issues that affect your extremities can be very bothersome. They are known to cause plenty of discomfort. Going through your routine can also turn into a significant challenge if your arms and/or legs are compromised.

Pain is not the only problem you’ll have to deal with. Injuries to your arms and legs can also limit your range of motion. Limitations like that will have an adverse effect on your day-to-day life.

Work with Dr. Lease of the Lease Chiropractic Clinic in Walsh, CO and get the extremity adjustments your body needs.

How Can You Benefit from Extremity Adjustments?

Getting your extremities adjusted by a chiropractor can yield numerous benefits.

For starters, these adjustments can eliminate your lingering joint pain. If you’ve been experiencing minor pain ever since you jammed your finger or twisted your ankle, your chiropractor can resolve that issue. They can administer the adjustments necessary to realign those parts of your body and provide the relief you need.

Those adjustments also work for significant injuries such as the ones you may sustain following a car crash.

Extremity adjustments are also effective against referred pain.

Referred pain is the type of pain you experience when a problematic part of your body is causing discomfort elsewhere. For example, the pain affecting your arm may actually be caused by a sprained shoulder. The aforementioned adjustments will alleviate your referred pain.

Aside from relieving your joint pain, extremity adjustments are also good for restoring your lost range of motion. Once your session with the chiropractor is over, you can expect your arms, shoulders, and legs to move more like they normally do.

The adjustments are also useful for keeping your body in good condition. Moving forward, they can help you avoid additional injuries. You’ll enjoy a better quality of life thanks to those adjustments.

Schedule a session for extremity adjustments with Dr. Lease of the Lease Chiropractic Clinic in Walsh, CO by calling 719-324-5242.

Extremity Adjustments include:

  • Fingers
  • Thumbs
  • Wrists
  • Elbows
  • Shoulders
  • Temporomandibular Joints (TMJ)
  • Hips, Knees
  • Ankles
  • Feet
  • Toes