Cranial Adjustment

Cranial Adjusting can be essential to bringing your body back into balance and retaining your chiropractic adjustments longer. Dr. Harold Lease at Lease Chiropractic Clinic in Walsh, CO has been practicing for almost four decades and is extremely knowledgeable about cranial adjusting and how it can enhance your chiropractic care.

What is Cranial Adjusting?

Cranial adjustment therapy is when the practitioner uses their hands or an instrument to correct tension in the connective tissue in your skull or your face. This technique is actually quite gentle. The chiropractor utilizes an instrument that has very light vibrations to adjust the cranial bones and bring them back into balance. The process can also help your muscles and organs relieve stress and help you feel more relaxed.

Can Cranial Adjustment Help with Any Ailments:

Cranial adjustment therapy can be used to help treat a variety of illnesses and ailments including headaches and migraines, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, temporo-mandibular joint syndrome, neurodegenerative disease, sinus infections, recurrent ear infections, insomnia, and others. 

Is Cranial Adjustment Therapy a One-Time Treatment?

As with most chiropractic treatments, the frequency and duration of your cranial adjustment therapy will depend on your individual symptoms and goals. Some patients may be able to attain their objectives with only a few sessions, where others might do better by participating in maintenance sessions for a longer period of time. Each patient will have to work with their provider to determine what is most beneficial for their health. Cranial adjustment therapy can be done alone or along with other chiropractic treatments.

Who Can Get Cranial Adjustment Therapy?

Almost anyone can have cranial adjustment therapy. There may be a few patients who should not use this therapy; people with traumatic brain injuries, aneurysms, or severe bleeding disorders should seek alternate treatment options other than cranial adjustments. Outside of that, cranial adjustment therapy can be performed on youths and adults. Some studies have found that the treatment can even help relieve colic in infants and some research has found that it can relieve stress and tension in infants, toddlers and young children. 

There is a very low risk of side effects with cranial adjustment therapy, so it is a very safe and effective treatment option for the majority of people.

If you live near Walsh, CO and you want to know if cranial adjusting could benefit you, contact Dr. Lease's team at Lease Chiropractic Clinic at (719) 324-5242 and schedule your consultation today!